Kissa-epics in the literature of Golden Horde and dastan «Khosrov-Shyryn»


  • K. Т. Жанузакова Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университет
  • Б. Усеева Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университет
        27 111


kissa-dastan, nazira, oriental literature, islamic religion, myth.


This article deals with the question of formation, occurrence of kissadastans in medieval Turkic literature, as well as their genre features. Scientists investigating kissa-epics, come to the conclusion that these terms have different names but similar origin. Identifies the mythic framework that influenced the formation of kissa-dastans, as well as a direct link with the tradition of nazira in Turkic literature, which gave impetus to the development of legends and tales. Analyzes the subject, the main idea of kissa-dastans and characterization of the protagonists, the manner of their presentation, which valued in Eastern literature. Along with this is considered one of the greatest legends-dastan «Khosrov Shyryn», folded in the tradition of nazira in the literature of XIII-XIV centuries, and marked the options specified nazira poems.


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How to Cite

Жанузакова K. Т., & Усеева, Б. (2016). Kissa-epics in the literature of Golden Horde and dastan «Khosrov-Shyryn». Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 158(6). Retrieved from