Educating of compression of the text on specialty.


  • Ye. Chekina Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        13 10


compression, language compression of text, rich in content compression of text, text on specialty, basic information of text, additional information of text, semantic part of text, communicative task of text, algorithm of actions,


The article focuses on improving the efficiency of reading literature on specialty. In particular, we consider approaches to the content and language compression of the text as a tool for improving the quality of reading and as a key skill that is necessary to form in teaching the reading of professional literature. The author proposes an algorithm to determine the actions of the main and additional information at the level of the text, and at the level of the sentence: the division of the text into meaningful parts based on keywords; formulation of the communicative task of each semantic part; determination of basic and additional information of a semantic part; characterization of additional information on the content of the semantics; consideration of the role of each part in the semantic space of the entire text; identifying opportunities for the compression of the text at the sentence level and in the entire text. Materials for analysis are authentic texts in chemistry and economics.


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How to Cite

Chekina, Y. (2015). Educating of compression of the text on specialty. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 152(6). Retrieved from