Secrets of the "light of the realities" in poetry Zhumeken Nazhimedenova.


  • А. Akhmetova Казахский Национальный Университет имени аль – Фараби, г. Алматы
        46 74


Zhumeken Nazhimedenov, poet, poetry, national confession, name of colors,


Names of the color in the poetic collection "Zheti boyau" Zhumeken Nazhimedenova not limited to the definition of the color and type of event or what some things, but in an indirect using values, give the definition of the positive and negative aspects of life, symbolic meanings. The main feature of poetry Zhumeken is he passing the word Kazakh national knowledge, is able to present a philosophical subtext different colors. The poet in his poetry is very well used variety of colors. Seven colors in his poetry ("The black color", "The Grey color", "The Blue color", "The Red color", "The Brown color", "The Yellow color", "The White color") means being of the Kazakh people, worldly quality byteyskom knowledge, history, tradition, nature, mentality, economy, as well as opposing views on human life in general, the character, the inner contradictions of the world, etc. Looking at the simplicity of the poet's literary community is formed such a name as "Konur olen – Zhumeken". The different colors used J. Nazhimedenovym language units are individual in his poetry. The different colors used J. Nazhimedenov language units are individual in his poetry.


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How to Cite

Akhmetova А. (2015). Secrets of the "light of the realities" in poetry Zhumeken Nazhimedenova. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 139(5-6). Retrieved from