Art elements of poetry of Toleua of Kodikov.


  • K. O. Tattimbetova Казахский Национальный Университет имени аль - Фараби, г. Алматы
        24 20


criterion, public, rhythm, archaism, neologism, value, head of state, lyrics, dialect, art melody, epithet, comparison, metaphor, hyperbole, dagger, individual creativity, rhyme,


In article the author considers poetic works of national poet Toleua Kobdikov and says that quality of a work of art is estimated not only idea of work and subjects that the author wanted to tell. More precisely, the author such the criterion as is idea of work reached the reader and as it it affected. The author is analyzed his originality and features of the use of a rhyme, graphic means of literary criticism. And also, the author tells about his peculiar use of elements of national poetry, elements oral national creativity, neologisms and archaisms. The author of article says that the poet in the works skillfully used elements art transformation, also paid special attention to sense and the contents, a rhyme and rate of work. In article to be spoken that an art originality work of Toleua still demand comprehensive investigation, in particular a language stock of the author. According to the author bad work never becomes good work. Therefore, the literary critic first of all has to pay attention to work language, to art elements which are used by the author in the work.


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2 Простор, 1961. №9. – 93 с.
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5 Көбдіков Т. Жырларым. – Алматы: Жазушы. 1975. – 207 б.
6 Қабдолов З. Сөз өнері. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 1992. – 352 б.




How to Cite

Tattimbetova, K. O. (2015). Art elements of poetry of Toleua of Kodikov. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 139(5-6). Retrieved from