The stages of Kazakh terminology formation


  • А. Ж. Амиров әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
  • Б. И. Досанов әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
  • А. К. Бисенбаев әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
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term, the Kazakh terminology, terms of foreign languages, terms in national language, new names, the international terms, word usage, terminology problem.


Features of the formation process of terms are considered from the point of view of every stage. It is known that political and cultural changes in the life of society have influence on the emergence, creation and formation of terms. In the article it is said that at the initial stage of term formation the first attempts of translating the terms are made, for this reason at this stage the majority of the created terms in the national language aren’t successful and pass out of use. At the second stage almost all terms of the Russian or foreign languages which entered the language through Russian are translated into the Kazakh language; as for the terms which are not translated and adapted according to the sound features, they are given in concrete examples. At the third stage of formation of the Kazakh terms it is said that the international terms which entered through the Russian language and the languages of the Soviet people according to language policy of that time are not generally translated. At the last fourth stage it is required to consider the problem of terminology in national interests, on the basis of it the majority of terms are created and formed in national language.


1.1. Сарыбаев Ш. 1920-30 жылдардағы әдеби тілдің тарихына қатысты кейбір мәселелер // қазақ тілінің тарихы мен диалектологиясының мәселелері. – Алматы: Ғылым, 1963. – 281 б.

1.1. Sari’baev Sh. 1920-30 ji’ldardaghi’ a’debi’’ tіldіng tari’’hi’na qati’sti’ keybіr ma’seleler // Qazaq tіlіnіng tari’’hi’ men
di’’alektologi’’yasi’ni’ng ma’selelerі. – Almati’: Ghi’li’m, 1963. – 281 b.


How to Cite

Амиров, А. Ж., Досанов, Б. И., & Бисенбаев, А. К. (2016). The stages of Kazakh terminology formation. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 155(3). Retrieved from