Onomasiological aspect of verbal context in the conditions of bi-and multilingualism and intercultural communication


  • G. М. Badagulova Алматы менеджмент университет
        16 12


onomasiological context, word-building, gloss, intercultural communication.


This article considers the role of an onomasiological context in the word-building process in the context of intercultural communication. On the basis of the Russian language in Kazakhstan the author shows how onomasiological context can get speech verbalization, all the points of its word-building process: introduction of the new knowledge, a new concept in the world view of the native speaker; its explanation, interpretation, syntactical and lexical objectification. The article describes the function of the gloss in the conditions of bilingualism and multilingualism and intercultural communication. Glosses can be represented in the form of one synonym word, a lexical equivalent and in the form of phrases or extended definitions. It should be noted that in the last decade, there are new synonymic rows in the Russian language on the basis of intercultural communication. The onomasiological context helps to see the «mediator» between reality and meaning, a concept created in the perception of a native speaker. The onomasiological context is the «placenta» in which interculturema – the «fruit» of intercultural communication –»grows».


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How to Cite

Badagulova G. М. (2016). Onomasiological aspect of verbal context in the conditions of bi-and multilingualism and intercultural communication. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 155(3). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1477