National and cultural characteristics non-verbal elements in the novel A. Kekilbayev «Urker»


  • B. Shalabay Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • D. Т. Shakirova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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бейвербалды амал, ым, ишарат, ұлттық мәдениет, ұлттық бейвербалды амалдар, әмбебап бейвербалды амалдар.


Article is devoted to the definition of the language, national and cultural characteristics of non-verbal elements. Non-verbal communication is the exchange of non-verbal communication between people and their interpretation. It is possible because all these signs and symbols in every culture enshrined certain value, understandable to others. Nonverbal communication is not only complements the verbal message, and they are able to transmit a wealth of information about the identity of the device. We can learn about his temperament, emotional state at the time of communication, to find out his personal characteristics, social status. Making various analyzes of the collected non-verbal elements defined by the full picture of the lexical, grammatical semantics of words, as well as theoretical knowledge and practical skills about science paralinguistics. To determine the semantics of facial expressions, gestures national character we took the novel «Urker.»


How to Cite

Shalabay, B., & Shakirova D. Т. (2016). National and cultural characteristics non-verbal elements in the novel A. Kekilbayev «Urker». Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 155(3). Retrieved from