Language features of corporal metaphors of a state of mind


  • B. K. Momynova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        25 54


anthropological approach, anthropocentrism, nonverbal elements of communication, mimicry, gestures, paraelements, communication, auxiliary components of the communicative act, paralinguistics, speech, pose, takesik, proksemic and prosodic means,


Article is devoted to the nonverbal elements, which are considerer to be functional, but with the help of auxiliary components of communication, and generally actively expresses emotion and will of the person. And also paraelements of communication actively participate not only in identification of human emotions, but also in various manifestations of an assessment of the person to world around, or a concrete subject, etc. The assessment, emotion belong to emotional intellectual act of the sphere of human consciousness and they are attributes of the person. Any person who is forming as personality in the concrete social environment, acquires characteristic for this environment, ways of gesticulations and rules of their application and reading. In modern linguistics there are very similar concepts as nonverbal elements of communication and a corporal metaphor of a state of mind. The system of gestures and mimicry in each language is socially caused and inherent in only this language society. Therefore studying of paraelements is important.


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How to Cite

Momynova, B. K. (2015). Language features of corporal metaphors of a state of mind. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 148(2). Retrieved from