The typology of epic storytellers of the Turkic people


  • А. S. Buldybay Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        32 17


folklore, zhyrshy, zhynrau, folk heritage, epic, termeshi


The creators, bearers and performers of one of the types of the rich folklore heritage are uzany, bucks, zhyrau, zhyrshy, kissashy, termeshi. Obviously, no one will deny the enormous role of storytellers in the conservation, development and transmission from generation to generation of the epic works of worldwide importance. They concentrated the centuries-old history and culture of the people. The research of the origin of these types of folklore, a more detailed analysis of their functions, verbal art, disclosure of the internal laws of their evolution should contribute to the solution of various problems of the Kazakh epos. First, you need to solve the following questions: What types of folklore in the history of our people were directly related to the creation of epic songs, their performance and development; Which of them have contributed to their transfer from generation to generation; What changes have the functions of these types of folklore in connection with the historical development undergone?


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How to Cite

Buldybay А. S. (2016). The typology of epic storytellers of the Turkic people. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 155(3). Retrieved from