The speech communication and speech strategies


  • А. К. Жукенова Кокшетауский государственный университет им. Ш. Уалиханова
        140 67


speech communication, speech strategy, conversational maxims, principle of cooperation, principle of politeness.


 The article deals with the theory of speech communication and speech strategies. The principle of cooperation and the principle of politeness are described. G. P. Grice was the first scientist who studied these principles. The principle of cooperation is realized as the rules or maxims which de­fine the discourse normativeness. The maxims as G. P. Grice considers them to be should be interpreted as the rules which limit the speaker’s behavior. Some of these maxims are determined by the sociolinguistic pa­rameters. R. Lakoff forms the hypothesis that all persuasive discourse is based on breaking the principle of cooperation, the speakers and listeners realize that this principle is not observed. G. P. Grice’s rules are consider­ably limited by the fact that «the category of politeness» appeared in lin­guistics. By modification of some G. P. Grice’s maxims the indirect speech behavior is analyzed to define the manipulation and indirect speech acts which are explained by tact. To analyze the speech strategies the speaker’s communicative purposes are considered as the starting point.


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How to Cite

Жукенова, А. К. (2016). The speech communication and speech strategies. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from