Artistic originality of U. Eсo’s novel «The Name of the Rose»


  • А. B. Temirbolat Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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plot, novel, work, time, space, narration, content, construction, author.


The article is devoted to research of U. Eсo’s novel «The Name of the Rose». Object of research are the features of existential organization of this work. Concepts of the writer about world, person, life’s categories are revealed. The great attention is given to genre and artistic originality of the work. The content of the novel is penetrated by religious, mythological motives and images. The author widely includes historical, literary reminiscences which essentially move apart horizons of a narration and border of the work’s existential continuum. The main principle of the novel’s construction is opposition. During narration the author constantly correlates the past and the present, argues about eternal and passing, spiritual and material. The content of the novel is penetrated by idea of cyclicity. The author and heroes of the work repeatedly mark that all in the world rotates on a circle that causes features of the work’s composition. The existential continuum of the novel is characterized by complexity.


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How to Cite

Temirbolat А. B. (2016). Artistic originality of U. Eсo’s novel «The Name of the Rose». Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 155(3). Retrieved from