The harmony of content and meaning


  • А. Б. Салқынбай әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
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Abay’s linguistic poetics, philosophy, denial, motivation, the essence, the meaning of words, the concept of value.


The article analyzes the concept of evaluation in the poems of the great Abai, which is represented through negation. Negation in the work of art in itself is a kind of complicated and complex phenomenon. The peculiarity and specificity of negation in speech is closely connected with the definition of the meaning and sense of the word. Modality, emotionality and expressiveness, evaluation function, conditional values in speech sometimes mix and join the negation. The article analyzes semantic techniques and their grammatical forms in negation. Negation as any communicative function of speech has its emotive, appealing and pragmatic functions, which are responsible for internal harmony and unity of the contents. In Abay’s verses there is an exemplary high level of negation, which is not of the particular character, on the contrary, it has deep social roots. In any language, negation is understood equally as perception and emotion based on public views.


1 Абай. Екі томдық шығармалар жинағы: Өлеңдер мен аудармалар. – Алматы: Жазушы, 1995. – Т. 1. – 335 б.
2 Дәдебаев Ж. «Абай. Адам мен заман туралы», 23 ақпан,
2012 жыл, Абай институты сайтынан.

1 Abay. Ekі tomdyq shygarmalar zhinagy: Olender men audarmalar. – Almaty: Zhazushy, 1995. – T. 1 – 335 b.
2 Dәdebaev J. «Abai. Adam men zaman turaly», 23 aqpan, 2012 zhyl, Abay instituty saytynan.


How to Cite

Салқынбай, А. Б. (2016). The harmony of content and meaning. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from