The linguokulturаl concept «dog» in the language picture of the world


  • С. K. Сансызбаева Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби,
        29 14


linguoculturology, concept, kinomorphism, language pic¬ture of the world, national and cultural specifics.


In the article the problems of studying the concept «dog» in the language picture of the world are considered. The work deals with linguoculturological aspects of studying kinomorphisms of the Kazakh and Russian languages. The article gives particular attention to the problems of relationship of language and culture. The author places the emphasis on the dual character of the language conceptualization of reality: on the one hand, it is universal for all languages, on the other, it has national coloring. The concept «dog» is recognized as the most frequent among a large number of zoomorphisms in Kazakh and Russian . Disclosing the place of the concept «dog» in the Kazakh and Russian language consciousness occurs through studying cultural, historical, religious features of the native speakers of these languages. Representation of cultural and national traditions, features of the native speakers is carried out by means of metaphorical, paremiological and phraseological funds of the Kazakh and Russian languages. The existence of positive and negative values in the secondary nomination of the kinomorphism «dog» in the systemically different languages is also caused by national and cultural features.


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How to Cite

Сансызбаева С. K. (2016). The linguokulturаl concept «dog» in the language picture of the world. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from