Cross-cultural communication: problems of ethno-linguistic peculiarities.


  • G. N. Smagulova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        33 63


cross-cultural communication, mentality, lingua-culturology, ethno-cultural discourse, phraseologisms,


In cross-cultural communication the actions of people appear in different ways. In communicative acts, covering such functional spheres as personal, social, team, professional, cultural and others, separate cultural tokens, phrases, idioms, proverbs and phraseological units are used. In this regard lack of background knowledge of the sender mainly connected with the internal form of background lexicon and phraseological units. Cross-cultural factors of such language units stipulate the necessity of meta-language. Phraseological units are called “mental units”. There is basis for such statement - idioms in every language, expressing evaluation, characteristics from the ethnical point of view for world around objects and phenomena show the national mentality of its native speakers, their attitude and outlook. The mentality is reflected in material and intellectual culture created by the people and hand down from generation to generation. As a rule, in phraseological discourse the meaning is not immediately clear. The main objective of intercultural communication is the cognition of the nation. Perception and understanding of the culture of another people, the interest in their life and further development of communication skills will be a step towards the goal.


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How to Cite

Smagulova, G. N. (2015). Cross-cultural communication: problems of ethno-linguistic peculiarities. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 148(2). Retrieved from