The analysis of the texts of ancient Turkic literary epics


  • А. Shagyrbayeva Х. Досмухамбетов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
        21 14


Huns, Sakas, the ancient Turks, written records, Orkhon, Kultegin, Tonykok, headstone, original.


The investigation of the our ancestors` history through valuable relics which have been found with in archeological excavations as well as cut stones have been considered in this article. Either in the article have been mentioned European, Russian scientists who did part in to disclose the riddle`s of the writings on the stones, but special attention is given to the work of our scientists. The feature of the article is that ancient relics is considering not only as a important aspect of the Kazakh science also have showed their roles in the education of the coming generation which based on the opinion of the country`s president. However the list of the numerous works of the Turkic Academy, the copy of the Kultegin monument which has been delivered by the I.Tasmaganbetov`s supervising, and the several versions of the ancient epic`s translations by our scientists furnished also. The storylines of the ancient epics are different but from the viewpoint of the content they are similar each other as have one foundation. But poet K.Myrzaliyev presented the epics like a modern poetry example.


1.1. Қыраубаева А. Ғасырлар мұрасы. – Алматы, 1989. – 102 б.
2.2. Қаржаубай C. Орхон мұралары. – Астана: Күлтегін баспасы,
2003. – 392 б.
3.3. Мырза Әли Қ. Күлтегін Тоныкөк: Ежелгі түркі рун жазбалары. – Алматы, 2001. – 144 б.
4.4. www.

1.1. Qi’rawbaeva A. Ghasi’rlar murasi’. – Almati’, 1989. – 102 b.
2.2. Qarjawbay C. Orhon muralari’. – Astana: Ku’ltegіn baspasi’, 2003. – 392 b.
3.3. Mi’rza A’li’’ Q. Ku’ltegіn Toni’ko’k: Ejelgі tu’rkі rwn jazbalari’. – Almati’, 2001. – 144 b.
4.4. www.


How to Cite

Shagyrbayeva А. (2016). The analysis of the texts of ancient Turkic literary epics. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 155(3). Retrieved from