Translation interpretation of 20 Abay’s poems


  • Z. K. Bakirova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        153 30


translation, Interpretation, poetry, analysis, scientific assessment.


This article is dedicated to one of the important national issues of translation studies – translation interpretation of Abay’s poems. To date we have translated many poems of Abay Kunanbaev by different translators from different countries. However, there are a few works devoted to the transfer of the author’s style. In the 160th anniversary of Abay in Almaty there has released a unique book «Twenty poems of Abay», which included various versions of translations of his poems, taken at different times to different poets and translators. Adibaev Marat Khasenovich – translatorbilingual, being the compiler of this book, completed a new translation of twenty poems of Abay from the original text into Russian, maintaining individual style and the author’s intent. However, these translations are still not explored, which determines the relevance of this theme. The article presents the post-translation analysis of several poems of Abay. In the conclusion there is the scientific assessment to quality of the new translations of M. Adibayev


1 1.Жетписбаева Б. Приближаясь к Абаю…// Книголюб. – Июнь 2005. – №85. – С. 41, 43.
2 2.Проблемы современного сравнительного литературоведения // Под редакцией Вишневской Н.А. и Михайлова А.Д.
– М.: ИМЛИ РАН, 2004. – С. 23-27.
3 3.Адибаев М. Х. Двадцать стихотворений Абая. – Алматы, 2005. – 286 с.
4 4.Бельгер Г. Почему трудно переводить Абая? –
5 5.Абай Кунанбаев. Стихоторения. Поэмы. Проза. – М.: ГИХЛ, 1954. – С. 116.
6 6.Абай Кунанбаев. Стихотворения. Поэмы. Проза. – М.: ГИХЛ, 1954. – С. 279.

1 1.Zhetpisbaeva B. Priblizhajas’ k Abaju…// Knigoljub. – Ijun’ 2005. – №85. – S. 41, 43.
2 2.Problemy sovremennogo sravnitel’nogo literaturovedenija // Pod redakciej Vishnevskoj N.A. i Mihajlova A.D. – M.: IMLI
RAN, 2004. – S. 23-27.
3 3.Adibaev M. H. Dvadcat’ stihotvorenij Abaja. – Almaty, 2005. – 286 s.
4 4.Bel’ger G. Pochemu trudno perevodit’ Abaja? –
5 5.Abaj Kunanbaev. Stihotorenija. Pojemy. Proza. – M.: GIHL, 1954. – S. 116.
6 6.Abaj Kunanbaev. Stihotvorenija. Pojemy. Proza. – M.: GIHL, 1954. – S. 279.


How to Cite

Bakirova, Z. K. (2016). Translation interpretation of 20 Abay’s poems. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 157(5). Retrieved from