Semantic transformation of the precedent text in newspapers


  • Х. М. Baisalova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        9 11


precedent text, semantic transformation, newspaper text, the recipient, citation.


The article d eals with the problem of semantic organization of newspaper textin which is widely represented precedent texts. Under the precedent text is understood frequently quoted texts important for members of a particular culture (the line of popular works, proverbs, idioms, quotations from literary works, aphorisms, lines from songs and others.). The main function of precedent texts are not to inform the reader or listener, and the impact on him, shaping his particular opinion about a particular event, situation. Precedent texts are included in the text of a newspaper not only unchanged, but also in a modified form. Semantic transformation of precedent texts in the newspaper are disclosed by analysis of different kinds of semantic functions or a particular word or phrase, or a whole sentence. As a factual material served a domestic Russian-language press.


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How to Cite

Baisalova Х. М. (2016). Semantic transformation of the precedent text in newspapers. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 158(6). Retrieved from