Function of mythologems in the structure of the novel «The Last Mohicans: a narrative of 1757» by J.F. Cooper


  • N. P. Saparkhojayeva Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
        19 75


myth, paradigm, totemic cult, heraldry, marker, function, conception.


In this article functions of mythologemes in the structure of the novel «The Last of the Mohicans ...» by J.F. Cooper are described. Mythopoetics of the novel «The Last of the Mohicans ...» has a systemic character, that declares the author’s deliberate strategy ideologically conceptualizes the spiritual culture of the Indians of North America, in particular the Delawares and the Hurons, to interpret it in the light of the political and military struggle of England and France in the XVIII century, to differentiate tribes of the Natives on the principle of «their own and others». Mythopoetics of a novel and its significant markers function fully in the light of this most important task.However, we should be thankful for the great writer that he preserved the Indian myths for future generations, demonstrated impressively their psychology and culture, beliefs, magic military, customs and rituals. Analysis of the novel reveals the central (universal) cults of the Indians; dating back to the days of the Toltecs, Mayans and Aztecs, as well as local totemic cults, functionally compare them with the purpose of deeper probing for the reconstruction of spiritual cosmos of Aboriginals – the peoples of the North America. Modern studies show that in this plan the material of J. F. Cooper’s works have important meanings. 


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How to Cite

Saparkhojayeva, N. P. (2016). Function of mythologems in the structure of the novel «The Last Mohicans: a narrative of 1757» by J.F. Cooper. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 158(6). Retrieved from