The comparative description of the consonants l (л), m (м), n (н) in Kazakh, Turkish and Uzbek languages.


  • А. N. Baituova Международный казахско-турецкий университета им. Х.А. Ясави
        30 16


consonants, phonetic patterns, the system, talk, Kazakh, Turkish, Uzbek, comparison, borrowing.


This article describes the general characteristics of the process of formation and development of the Kazakh, Uzbek and Turkish language – the dominant components of Kipchak, Karluk and Oguz group of Turkic languages. It based on existing research and published works of experts reviews the existing opinions are determined by the genetic relationships and relationship compared languages. It is known that each of the modern Turkic languages was formed as a result of a long process of structural development, mining and continuous improvement of Literary (spelling’s written, verbal, and others.) Standards. In this process, perhaps one of the main factors of becoming a language of its own rules and combatant elements became elected, and they worked out the phonetic system. The phonetic structure of any language develops according to a coordinated and closely linked with each other phonetic and phonological phenomena that gradually become stable, stable rules and laws of the given language.


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How to Cite

Baituova А. N. (2016). The comparative description of the consonants l (л), m (м), n (н) in Kazakh, Turkish and Uzbek languages. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 158(6). Retrieved from