The peculiarities of trilogy genre in literary creation of I.P. Shukhov


  • Ж. Х. Салханова Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        92 24


Trilogy, autobiographical, images, motives, poetics.


The article discusses the peculiarities of the genre trilogy in the literary creation of Russian representative literature in Kazakhstan I.P.Shukhov. The author notes autobiographical works of Shukhov, reveals genre characteristics of the trilogy «The pages of Presnov». The analysis proved the thesis that the basis of the traditional trilogy of autobiographical works compositional device – a view from the present to the past, allowing for a new look at past events, to show the connection times. The article identifies the main theme of works, such as the childhood motive, father’s house motive and the nest. The author notes that the motive of love for his native land, the refrain goes through the whole trilogy, echoing the motive of love for the North Kazakhstan steppes. Exploring the imagery, the author focuses on images of nomads ordinary Kazakhs living peacefully and harmoniously alongside the Cossacks. Another nation’s images recreated realistic by writer, racily, with a sense of respect and reverence for the culture of other people. The article notes that the writer achieves reliability by several expressive details, emphasizing the dominant trait in the characters of autobiographical trilogy. For narrator Shukhov it is important to show the moral world of his characters, moral and family values, transmitted from generation to generation.


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–18  августа. – С. 4.
4 4.Шухов И.П. Пресновские страницы. – Алматы: Жазушы, 1975. – 115 с.

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How to Cite

Салханова, Ж. Х. (2016). The peculiarities of trilogy genre in literary creation of I.P. Shukhov. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 158(6). Retrieved from