The philosophical concept of time in the poem «Phacelia» by M.M. Prishvin


  • Zh. B. Dzhalamova al- Farabi Kazakh National University
        30 21


artistic time, compositional structure of time, time-space, a peculiar sense of time, author’s conception of the world, stream of time, lyrical hero in time.


M.M. Prishvin’s creative conception is inextricably linked with a peculiar sense of tense forms. This unique talent of Prishvin causes also a special connection of his creativity with literary tradition. This article discusses the basic author’s principles of moving in time. The poem «Phacelia» unites three stages in the artist’s life and one can see his autobiographical, deeply personal time with a number of temporary systems. They extend an individual perception of his place in the world, the meaning and purpose of human existence, and in this regard, Prishvin’s ideas can identify natural, historical, cultural, literary and philosophical types of time. In the art world the time can be represented in such aspects as physical time, real time and transient time. This creates a unique and original way of the author’s world where relationship to time as an objective fact interfaces with the possibility of philosophical and moral assessments of personal sense of time.


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1 1.Prishvin M.M. Nezabudki. – M.: Hudozhestvennaya literatura, 1969.
2 2.Mstislavskiy S. O poeme Prishvina «Fatseliya» // Novyj mir. – 1940. – № 11.
3 3.Rudashevskaya T.M. Poema «Fatseliya» kak vyrazhenie nravstvenno-eticheskoy pozitsii M.M. Prishvina // Analiz
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4 4.Gachev G. Dva medvedya // Vestnik vysshey shkoly. – 1991. – № 7.
5 5.Prishvin M.M. Sobranie sochineniy v vos’mi tomah. – T. 5. – M.: Hudozhestvennaya literatura, 1983.


How to Cite

Dzhalamova, Z. B. (2016). The philosophical concept of time in the poem «Phacelia» by M.M. Prishvin. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 154(2). Retrieved from