The essense of dramatism in the work «Abylai khan» by A. Kekilbaev


  • Е. М. Soltanaeva al-farabi kazakh national university


drama, conflict, synergy, the principle of stability and instability, Khanate, unity.


This article is devoted to the analysis of dramatism in the drama of the image of Abylai khan in A. Kekilbaev’s «Abylai khan»». The literary analysis of the nature of the dramatic conflict is carried out on the basis of the laws of synergy. The internal dramatic conflict of the protagonist is revealed through a dramatic contradiction between feeling and consciousness, between the will and inclination, between passion and duty, between authority and conscience. This principle is clearly visible in the example of external conflict. Sharp qualitative fluctuations between stable and unstable situations aggravate the conflict. So, with the help of the order parameter the development of dramatism is analyzed. The essence of drama is revealed on the basis of the «principle of stability and instability». Particular attention is paid to the specifics of creating an image of the hero who put the interests of the Khanate and unity above his own.


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2 2.Есембеков Т.У. Функции драматизма в художественном тексте. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2013. – 304 с.

1 1.Kekіlbaev A’. Abi’lay han // Egemen Qazaqstan. – 1997. – №102. – B. 3-7.
2 2.Esembekov T.W. Fwnkci’’i’’ dramati’’zma v hwdojestvennom tekste. – Almati’: Qazaq wni’’versi’’tetі, 2013. – 304 s.

How to Cite

Soltanaeva Е. М. (2016). The essense of dramatism in the work «Abylai khan» by A. Kekilbaev. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 154(2). Retrieved from