The basiс categories of the history of the Russian literary language (the issue of determination of the subject and object of the history of the Russian literary language)


  • I. Yu. Yuritsyna Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
        56 16


the history of the Russian literary language, a literary language, national period, pre-national period, language norm, usage, style.


The article is devoted to debating points which are connected with the subject, object and revelation of basic categories of the history of the Russian literary language as a scientific and educational discipline. In particular, different points of view on the problems of the definition of the literary language as the object of historical linguistic study, the characteristics of the Russian literary language of national and pre-national periods are analyzed, its comparative analysis is given. The volume of concepts ‘language norm’, ‘usage’, ‘style’ as basic categories of the history of the Russian literary language is also determined.


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How to Cite

Yuritsyna, I. Y. (2016). The basiс categories of the history of the Russian literary language (the issue of determination of the subject and object of the history of the Russian literary language). Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 154(2). Retrieved from