The languages of Kyzylorda oblast: sociolinguistical characteristics, social functions


  • А. Abasilov Қорқыт Ата атындағы Қызылорда мемлекеттік университеті
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language problem, social linguistics, functional system of language, the level of knowing the national language, language situation.


Author in his own article reviewed to sociolinguistic status of languages in Kyzylorda region. In the article he is given a description to eleven languages which has got place and own role in social communicative system of region. He gives short information about genological origin of each language, about national purchases of ethnos, about quantity of speakers, legal status and life`s forms was given to language. After this author analyzes to quantity of speakers in Kazakhstan, in the region it is a research object, to contribution from people on the basis of statistical data for study native language, state language as well as other languages. He draws attention to multilingual, bilingual, monolingual problems of region`s territory. he is evaluates linguistic to regional feature of regions status. Other ethnic’s languages which in Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda region from social linguistic approach. He is concluding that is one of national language that is aforesaid national languages`s «Kazakstan`s version».


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How to Cite

Abasilov А. (2015). The languages of Kyzylorda oblast: sociolinguistical characteristics, social functions. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 143(3). Retrieved from