Mass media language in Kazakhstan: a review of statistical data


  • А. А. Baimurzina әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        51 30


mass media, media linguistics, content, language situation, language trinity.


In this article the questions of mass media language in Kazakhstan are considered. The definition of the concept «mass media» is given and spheres of its use are listed. The main goal of article is the review of statistical data of mass media resources of the country and a share of languages in mass media. The article states the importance of mass media in the development of language, as well as in the identification of the language situation and in the definition of the perspective of language choice. Social functional duties of mass media are specified. It also considers K. Esenova’s classification of mass media according to the distribution of information and T. Dobrosklonskaya’s definition of media linguistics. The author refers to a scientific work of M. Grechikhin devoted to modern media discourse. The results of the statistical analyses which are carried out on language of television, radio and periodicals are presented. Short information on the main tasks of «The Program of languages development and functioning for 2011-2020» and their realization is provided.


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2.2. Есенова Қ. Қазіргі қазақ медиа-мәтінінің прагматикасы (қазақ баспасөз материалдары негізінде): филология ғылымдарының докторы ғылыми дәрежесін алу үшін дайындалған диссертация. – Алматы, 2007. – 157 б.
3.3. Добросклонская Т.Г. Медиалингвистика: системный подход к изучению языка СМИ. – М.: Наука, Флинта, 2008. – 264 с.
4.4 Машинбаева Г.А. Теледидар тілінің лингвопрагматикалық аспектілері: филол. ғыл. канд. ғылыми дәрежесін алу үшін дайындалған диссертация авторефераты. – Алматы, 2007. – 25 б.
5.5. Гречихин М.В. Современный русский медиадискурс: язык интолерантности: на материале языка российских СМИ: дисс. на соискание степени канд. филол. наук. – Белгород. 2008. – 159 с.
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1.1. Fedorov A.V. Slovar’ terminov po mediaobrazovaniju, mediapedagogike, mediagramotnosti, mediakompetentnosti. – Taganrog, 2010. – 64 c.
2.2. Esenova Q. Qazіrgі qazaq medi’’a-ma’tіnіnіng pragmati’’kasi’ (qazaq baspaso’z materi’’aldari’ negіzіnde): fi’’lologi’’ya ghi’li’mdari’ni’ng doktori’ ghi’li’mi’’ da’rejesіn alw u’shіn dayi’ndalghan di’’ssertaci’’ya. – Almati’, 2007. – 157 b.
3.3. Dobrosklonskaja T.G. Medialingvistika: sistemnyj podhod k izucheniju jazyka SMI. – M.: Nauka, Flinta, 2008. – 264 s.
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5.5. Grechihin M.V. Sovremennyj russkij mediadiskurs: jazyk intolerantnosti: na materiale jazyka rossijskih SMI: diss. na sois-kanie stepeni kand. filol. nauk. – Belgorod. 2008. – 159 s.
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7.7. Shaymaghanbetov C. BAQ-taghi’ tіl tazali’ghi’ // Egemen Qazaqstan. – 2011. – 31 tami’z.


How to Cite

Baimurzina А. А. (2016). Mass media language in Kazakhstan: a review of statistical data. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 154(2). Retrieved from