The study of antonymy in the cognitive aspect


  • I. S. Sultaniyazova Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті
        14 11


antonyms, the opposite, national cognition, lingvocognitive concepts.


The article deals with the study of antonymy in the cognitive aspect. The works of modern Kazakh linguistics are analyzed in which the antonymous couples have studied from the viewpoint of a concept.If we consider that life consists of opposites then the cognitive views of researchers are logical in the opposition. People learn about the world in terms of opposites. It is essential for a man to see the opposite aspects of the phenomena surrounding his material and social world. There are some concepts ofantonymy which are the same in all languages. Some concepts have antonyms in the language of one nation when they are not existed in the language of another nation. Every nation has its own peculiarities in cognition of the world.The differences are expressed in the lexemes reflecting the national and specific features of life, economic structure due to historical, geographical, cultural and another factors which have affected in the course of development and formation of the ethnic group. The article also analyzes the opposites of culture and worldview of every nation. The opposite linguistic units are substantiated as a means of national cognition.


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How to Cite

Sultaniyazova, I. S. (2016). The study of antonymy in the cognitive aspect. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 154(2). Retrieved from