Language and communication stereotypes: interjections in english and russian


  • O. Н. Генерозова О.
  • З. A. Тлеугабылова
  • Г. A. Оразаева Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • А. О. Бекалаева
        35 11


speech stamps, clichйs, stereotyped expressions, functional reorientation, linguocultural stereotypes, sayings and idioms.


The article deals with the specifics of communicative stereotypes on the examples of certain functional classes, particularly interjections, on the basis of English and Russian materials. The difference in translating the given phenomenon in the present-day language has been pinpointed. It was concluded that linguocultural stereotypes, as traditions, are fixed in mentality of people and are reflected in the language expression.In linguistics, there are two different understanding of the word. The first meaning (linguistic meaning) implies the stereotype is a standard, fixed, reproducible unit of language, using of ready-made blocks in a particular speech situation. According to the second meaning (semantic meaning), stereotypes are seen as sustainable human content of the image, object or event, it means semantic connotations of language units, associated with the main primary importance. Both definitions have one characteristic: stability. Their difference is what kind of stability we mean: the form or content. In this article, we consider the word «stereotype» in the language rather than in semantic meaning.


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How to Cite

Генерозова О. O. Н., Тлеугабылова З. A., Оразаева Г. A., & Бекалаева, А. О. (2016). Language and communication stereotypes: interjections in english and russian. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 154(2). Retrieved from