Semantic organization of sentences while teaching to read texts on specialty


  • E. Б. Чекина Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Б. Б. Тулеубаева Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        17 10


semantic organization of the sentence, structural and semantic model of the sentence, communicative task of the sentence, meaning­speech situation, semantic center of the sentence


The article describes a method of working with text on specialty at the sentence level. Two ways of the sentence analysis are suggested – «from the form – to the meaning» and «from the meaning – to the form». The first direction is understanding of the sentence meaning through a model. Depending on the communicative task, different meaning­speech situations are created in the scientific text, which are expressed by certain structural and semantic models. The second way – «from meaning» – is identification of the sentence semantic content with the help of question. The author suggests the following method of work: to find subject and predicate in the sentence; to determine what part of speech expresses the predicate; to formulate a grammatical question to the main word of the combination, which is after the predicate; to write the question down; moving in the opposite direction, to fix the predicate in the question; to fix the subject; to write the question completely and give a brief answer to the question, which will be a semantic center of the sentence.


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How to Cite

Чекина E. Б., & Тулеубаева, Б. Б. (2016). Semantic organization of sentences while teaching to read texts on specialty. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 159(1). Retrieved from