The creative search of Mangystau theatre


  • N. R. Kumargalieva Ғ. Мүсірепов атындағы қазақ мемлекеттік академиялық балалар мен жасөспірімдер театрының баспасөз бөлімі
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performing arts, acting, directing, dramaturgy, play, show, decor, makeup, costumes, choreography, composer, vocals, scene


Theatre is the direct legacy that influences cultural and spiritual development of different nations. From the times of antiquity to our epoch was the beginning of a spiritual revival of humanity, the era and art. It influenced the formation of individual persons. Therefore, theatre is a multi – faceted organization that will unify the resulting types of art. Therefore, dramaturgy, choreography, singing, makeup, music, costumes, composers, lighting effects, acting, sculpture, painting, decorative arts and acting skills occurs by the association of art synthesis. Such performing arts are still together, fully developed and thriving. In our country there are more than fifty theaters that enhance the spiritual development of the people of complex structures. On behalf of N. Nazarbayev opened experimental Mangistau region Kazakh musical-drama theatre of a name of Nurmuhan Zhanturin. Among the Kazakh theatres, he is the youngest. Thirteen years ago, the theatre was opened with a high choice of repertoire. Within a few years the achievements of theatres reached great heights.


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How to Cite

Kumargalieva, N. R. (2016). The creative search of Mangystau theatre. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 159(1). Retrieved from