Realia in original and translations (based on Abai’s poetry)


  • К. Sandybayeva әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        24 21


Abay, poem, translation, original, realia, national color, meaning, form


The article is devoted to the investigation of realia in original and in translations. Analysis based on realia from Abai’s poetry. In Abai’s poems frequently can be found realia saturated with national color. Poet applies the realia not only in their initial meaning, but in figurative meaning too.
During the analysis there was applied comparable analysis of five variants of translation of Abai’s poems. In the conclusion there were determined further opinions: a) translating realia from Abai’s poems is difficult; b) adequate comprehension and determination of notion of realia, which have rich national color is more difficult; c) vanishing the national color of realia in Abai’s poems and attaching them another one is not the correct decision; d) adequate translating of Abai’s poems is a future task; e) investigation of realia based on the Abai’s poems is still actual problem.


1 1. С. Влахов, С. Флорин. Непереводимое в переводе. – М.: Высшая школа, 1986. – 416 с.
2 2. Абай. Сен де бір кірпіш дүниеге. Өлеңдер мен қарасөздер. – Алматы: Атамұра, 2014. – 288 б.
3 3. Қазақ түсіндірмелі сөздігі.
4 4. Толковый словарь Д.Н. Ушакова
5 5. Электронный толковый словарь русского языка С.И. Ожегова, Н.Ю. Шведовой ozhegow
6 6. Абай институтының сайты
7 7. Нұрқатов А. Абайдың ақындық дәстүрі. Монография. – Алматы: Жазушы, 1966. – 348 б.

1 1. Vlahov S., Florin S. Neperevodimoe v perevode. – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1986. – 416 s.
2 2. Abaj. Sen de bіr kіrpіsh du’ni’ege. O’lenhder men qaraso’zder. – Almaty’: Atamura, 2014. – 288 b.
3 3. Qazaq tu’sіndіrmelі so’zdіgі.
4 4. Tolkovy’j slovar’ D.N. Wshakova
5 5. Elektronnyj tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo yazyka S.I. Ozhegova, N.YU. SHvedovoj
6 6. Abaj i’nsti’twty’ny’nh sajty’
7 7. Nurqatov A. Abajdy’nh aqy’ndy’q da’stu’rі. Monografi’ya. – Almaty’: Zhazwshy’, 1966. – 348 b.


How to Cite

Sandybayeva К. (2016). Realia in original and translations (based on Abai’s poetry). Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 159(1). Retrieved from