Semantization of russian idioms in foreign audience


  • G. Zh. Kakysheva КазНУ им аль-Фараби
  • U. К. Abisheva КазНУ им аль-Фараби
        9 15


semantization, idiomatic expressions, phraseological units, semantic structure, foreign audience


The article gives a complex explanation of the semantic structure of phraseological units and the necessity to consider their semantics along with all of their components, which is most applicable for the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The most significant components of the semantic structure of phraseological units are theobjective and logical content, syntagmatic connections and paradigmatic relations. Syntagmatic connections of phraseological units suggest the need of emphasizing their compatibility with other words in the course of their explanation to the non-Russian audience, as the syntactic and lexical compatibility is essential for all phraseological units. Paradigmatic relations of phraseological units suggest the review of their phraseological synonyms having identical meaning but differing in emotional, expressive, genre, stylistic and other nuances. The following article covers in detail all of the aforementioned methods of semantization. Conclusion: Using the complex method of semantic structure analysis of phraseological units could largely contribute into profound attainment of phraseological affluence of Russian language by foreign students.


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How to Cite

Kakysheva, G. Z., & Abisheva U. К. (2016). Semantization of russian idioms in foreign audience. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 160(2). Retrieved from