Features shaped structure prose T. Pulatova


  • G. B. Shainova Кaзaхский госудaрственный женский педaгогический университет
        29 51


principle of duality, mith, arhetip, cultural hero, trickster


This article discusses one of the features of creating characters in philosophical prose Т. Pulatova, which is based on the principle of dual­ity. Phenomenon of duality has different interpretations , depending on whether it is given in the epic work or a classic novel. In the novel «Turtle­«Turtle­urtle­ Tarazi» we see two types of duality – and an epic novel . Duplicity novel, where the characters as opposed to «double – antagonists» embodied in the images of Tarazi and mullahs Bessaz whose relationships are organ­Tarazi and mullahs Bessaz whose relationships are organ­ and mullahs Bessaz whose relationships are organ­ized as confrontation and back to the mythological structure of « cultural hero – a trickster .»  Two novel way – a scientist, a philosopher, writer and naturalist Tarazi and his «opposite» form Bessaz judge, puts on the two poles of a different scale of operation of heroes and that, accordingly, defines a different mo­dality images of these images.


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1 1. Meletinskij E.M. O literaturnyharhetipah. – M.,1994. – 136 s.
2 2. Bahtin M. TvorchestvoFransuaRableinarodnayakul’turasrednevekov’yaiRenessansa. – M.: Hud. literatura, 1990. – 543 s.
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How to Cite

Shainova, G. B. (2016). Features shaped structure prose T. Pulatova. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 161(3). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1964