Minaret of eternal love


  • N. Dаuletkeldіuly Шинжяң Іле педагогикалық институтының аға оқытушысы, Үрімші қ
        80 49


poem " Kozi Korpesh - Bayan Sulu " Kozi and Bayan, the heroes of eternal love, the dome, noble heritage,


The article considers the problem of interpretation of the image of the mazar as a symbol of eternal love of heroes known throughout the Turkic world lyric-epic poem "Kozi Korpesh-Bayan Sulu". Mazar as the construction is associated with the names of heroes of lyric-epic poem , it is one of the oldest monuments of Kazakhstan, extant with ISSN some appearance changes. He carries a long history, becoming the grand monument of eternal love , giving enormous power to all lovers . Beauty and strength of their feelings overcame the darkness of death . The light of love that two hearts left behind , inspires akyns, ethnographers and historians of many nations up these days. The article also presents detailed information about the history of the Kozi Korpesh Bayan Sulu mazar construction , about the tombstone forms in the Kazakh steppe , symbolic images and stories of the dome , in some embodiments of the poem. We also investigate the role of the dome in the formation of character fidelity of two loving hearts , who are forever entrenched in people's memory.


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4 Кәсейұлы Б. Қазақ әдебиетінің тарихы. – ҚХР: Үрімжі: Шинжияң, 1996. – Б. 427.
5 Жұмабайұлы Б. Ата мұраның айғағы // Шұғыла. – ҚХР, 1986. – №8. –– Б. 49-53.




How to Cite

Dаuletkeldіuly N. (2015). Minaret of eternal love. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 148(2). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/206