About connotative functions zoomorphic metaphors


  • S.K. Sansyzbayeva al-Farabi Kazakh National university Kazakhstan
        16 16


In article questions of connotative value the zoomorphic metaphors in the different languages as Russian and Kazakh are considered. In article the most widespread examples of the use of verbs with a component zoomorphism in the Russian and Kazakh languages are analysed. Zoomorphic verbs, being units of the secondary nomination, promote deeper and careful disclosure of characterologic properties of the described object. In article the features of the use the zoomorphic verbs in the different languages connected with national and cultural specifics are considered. Studying the zoomorphic verbs in various languages promotes the bright description of language figurativeness, in comparative aspect studying of these language units gives the chance of identification of typical associations, recognitions of ethnocultural specifics. In article comparative turns with which zoomorphic verbs, a synonymic number of verbs correlating with zoomorphic verbs in the Kazakh and Russian languages are combined are considered. Positive and negative connotations the zoomorphic verbs h




How to Cite

Sansyzbayeva, S. (2018). About connotative functions zoomorphic metaphors. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 165(1), 226–230. Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/2262