Basics of Shariain poetry of akyns and zhyray


  • S Daribaiuly Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        14 101


The disclosure of the great goal of the creator of the world, and zhyrau akyns society ascribe to
deep clean and the origins of Islam. These sources come from the Koran, have strong foundation in the
last Messenger of Allah Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (ғ.s.) and in the writings of Islamic scholars
and the heirs of the medieval literary tradition.These motifs Creation heard from the Arch to Atyrau, and
through them representatives of the traditional art of singing schools ascribe his audience to the laws of
the universe, urging them to take as a perfect example.
His article discusses the philosophical ideas about the the duty of Muslims, prevailing in songs-tolgau
akyns zhyrau and early twentieth century. Along with the normal development of human history, and
zhyrau akyns urged his listeners to follow the example of the Muslim duty. The great mission of man
before God – the desire to know the existence of the Creator and the Maker of it.




How to Cite

Daribaiuly, S. (2018). Basics of Shariain poetry of akyns and zhyray. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 166(2), 42–47. Retrieved from