Sherniyaz- the patron of heroism and freedom


  • Sh.A. Shortanbayev E Karbozov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
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The article considers acreative writing of one of the inspiredkazakh poets Shernijaz Zharylgasuly,
who lived in the XIX century and actively participated in peasant movement of Isatai and Makhambet, and became the teller of that time. He is alsonotable for his enormous contribution to the development of native Kazakh art «suyrypsalma» and it’s improvement. Works of Shernijaz, describing the state
and situation of thatperiod with ideological and aesthetic peculiarities and political-social features made
a huge contribution to Kazakh literature. Shernijaz’s poetry is evaluated as aglorifying the truth of the
present, contemplating the past and motivating the future of the country. His poems call forthe respect
of such values as solidarity of country and unity of people.
Ultimately, we can say, that the idea of poetry of this poet rises the bannerof heroism and peace,
highly appreciates the pride and honor, humanity, despising the duplicity and turmoil and has a big convergence with the idea of «Mangilik el».




How to Cite

E Karbozov, S. S. (2018). Sherniyaz- the patron of heroism and freedom. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 166(2), 135–138. Retrieved from