The translation of proper names in a literary text


  • Aksholakova A.Zh. Utemgaliyeva N.A Rskeldiyeva D.B. al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Almaty, Kazakhstan
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The article deals with the features of literary translation and it describes the main methods of proper names’ translation in a literary text. Transmission of proper names in fiction is a difficult task. Proper names of characters take a special place in the text of an art work. The purpose of fiction is a man, and everything else, the description of nature, things is directed to the discovery of human qualities, so the writer carefully chooses the names of the characters. Familiarity with one another begins on behalf clarity – proper names become reference points in the interpersonal and cross-cultural communication, help overcome language barriers, but in its original language environment they have a complex semantic structure, unique features of a form and etymology. Proper names are the agents of the author’s intention, express national and socio-historical flavor. It is hard to imagine more successful means of a character than his name. Characteristic function is hidden by naming function, but in the context, in the process of disclosure features of the first or last names turn out self-evident.




How to Cite

Rskeldiyeva D.B., A. A. U. N. (2018). The translation of proper names in a literary text. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 166(2), 316–319. Retrieved from