Pedagogical basement of Korkyt’s heritage


  • Alshynova G. Turganbekkyzy A. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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In this article great Korkut’s heritage of kuyshi Korkyt ata who lived in the 8th century in close proximity to the former Zharkent city, the famous poet, variants and songs of the book of Korkyt ata is considered. In the publication emergence of an epic and traditional instrument is analyzed of Korkyt ata is connected with his name. Generally the form of kuy Korkyta ata and their recording in the form of quarts, and also a mystical and magic side is analyzed. Information on performers of kobyz kuy of Korkyt ata in the people. There is a motive of shamanism in kuy of Korkyt ata. Having enriched the basis kuy Korkyt ata, having added a pattern, the contribution to art of music of developed by Zhappas Kalambayev and Dauleta Myktybayeva is estimated. The main objective of article to show Korkyt’s heritage to future generation as the precious treasure, and also one of the directions is connected with his pedagogical activity, teaching music and art.



How to Cite

Turganbekkyzy A., A. G. (2018). Pedagogical basement of Korkyt’s heritage. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 166(2), 352–355. Retrieved from