Pragmatic functions of non-verbal means of business communication in Russian and Chinese linguocultures


  • I. Lee al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Almaty, Kazakhstan
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The article is devoted to the study of linguopragmatic features of business speech (business discourse) as a means of realizing the intentions of business communication participants in Russian and Chinese cultures. Business discourse is considered as a category of a functional-pragmatic paradigm of knowledge, the research apparatus of which is used in the work. In this paradigm of knowledge, special attention is paid to non-verbal means of communication (body language). Nonverbal communication in the article is considered in the aspect of intercultural communication on the basis of Russian and Chinese cultures. In each of these cultures there are universally and nationally specific means of communication. In business communication, a special place is occupied by such components of non-verbal behavior as a smile, handshake, gestures of greeting and farewells, manifestations of superstitions, all sorts of traditions, habits, etc. All these means of non-verbal business communication in the article are given a corresponding characteristic, which makes it possible to determine their pragmatic functions in Russian and Chinese cultures.



How to Cite

Lee, I. (2018). Pragmatic functions of non-verbal means of business communication in Russian and Chinese linguocultures. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 166(2), 368–372. Retrieved from