Teaching «professional-oriented foreign language» for students of physics departments
This article gives examples of tasks and activities aimed at expansion and consolidation the professional vocabulary, which can be used at English language lessons for students of the physics department.
The use of different types of tasks at English language lessons allows students to get acquainted with the
necessary professional vocabulary, develop skills in reading and translating technical literature, improve
the skills in perception of scientific and technical English language, develop dialogue and monologue
speech. One of the most important goals that universities of Kazakhstan try to get is the training professional specialists who are able to compete with foreign colleagues in the international labor market. To
achieve this goal, university graduates are required to speak English at the appropriate level. Teaching the
discipline «Professionally-oriented foreign language» at the physics department and using the variety of
tasks and activities at English language lessons allows students to become highly qualified specialists in
their field. The methodology of teaching English to students of physics and technical specialties is being
developed precisely in this direction, the integration of the linguistic and professional spheres.