Non-verbal components of communication in the works of kazakh writers and peculiarities of their translation


  • Beissembayeva S.B . Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Kazakstan, Turkestan
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The article considers non-verbal components of communication in the literary texts of Kazakh writers and identifies the features of their translation. For the purposes of contrastive research in non-verbal components of the communication consist language conformity between the formal (external) and content aspects of the kineme (smallest units). Research has revealed various lexical means of reflecting kinetic (linguistic) elements of communication, fixing gestures either from the form technique of execution in the content plan which includes the semantic, pragmatic aspects, stylistic features using of the kinem (smallest units) or describing gestures simultaneously in different aspects

How to Cite

., B. S. (2018). Non-verbal components of communication in the works of kazakh writers and peculiarities of their translation. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 167(3), 10–15. Retrieved from