Kazakh oral epic singing art


  • Kalelkhanuly N., . Minzu University of China, Beijing, China,
        17 47


Kazakh prairie nomadic life has played a vital role for the formation,development and prosperity of ethnic oral tradition, it is the survival of the soil to the tradition, and directly prompted the prosperity of Kazakh epic singing art. Arab-Persian literature enriched the contents and forms of the art, eventually took shape the Kazakh characteristics of epic singing art. The composition of the Kazakh folk art of narrative includes eulogizing epics about the heroism of the batyrs, historical epics, lyric-epic works and epics glorifying love and courage. Kazakh fairytale art is closely intertwined with the history of the Kazakh people, its culture, language, mentality and way of life. An integral part of Kazakh folk art is such works about love as «Yusuf-Zliha», «Khusrau and Chirin», «Thousand and One Nights», «Shahnama» written in Arabic-Persian and Chagatai. These herseswere distributed orally and were translated into written form at different periods.
Keywords: narrative art, poems, hissa, epic, historical poems, tales of love.




How to Cite

., K. N. (2018). Kazakh oral epic singing art. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 168(4), 22–28. Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/2439