Artistry and language of works by Abish Kekilbayev


  • Tukbaev A.K. Sadakbaev T.T. Academy of Kainar, Almaty, Kazakhstan,
        95 150


In this article the artistry and language of the works of the famous writer of Kazakhstan Abish Kekilbaev are considered.
The copious vocabulary, elegant manner of presentation and verbal expressions of the Kazakh language are one of the most valuable aspects of Kekilbaev’s works. The main part of the writer’s work is devoted to the historical theme. The author of the article tried to evaluate the works of the famous writer Abish Kekilbayev, who left a significant mark in Kazakh literature, having analyzed some of his works and translations.It is known that each masterpiece of Abish Kekilbayev is known as a national heritage. Kazakh language is a state language, our spiritual wealth. Undoubtedly, Abish Kekilbayev, who has a great deal of language proficiency, has been able to fully present his thoughts and historical truth to the reader.




How to Cite

Sadakbaev T.T., T. A. (2018). Artistry and language of works by Abish Kekilbayev. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 168(4), 39–43. Retrieved from