Personality of translator is in artistic translation.
artistic translation, creative person, language of original, language of translation, synonymous row, interpreter, interlingual connection,Abstract
In this article personality of translator is examined in the process of text translation. The special importance of translating labour, his creative character, is underlined. Artistic work in the process of translating from one language into other language is exposed to the creative of translating rethinking and finds some new quality. In opinion of author, artistic translation is the special type of art, and a translator is creative personality, artist in the dialogue of two cultures. An author comes to the conclusion, that every translator is creatively individual, and in every translation there is creative individuality, unique style of translator.References
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How to Cite
Abdullaeva, Z. T. (2015). Personality of translator is in artistic translation. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 148(2). Retrieved from
The theory of translation