The different between the origins of proper names in the epic novel «Way of Abay»


  • ZH. S. Dauletbekova С.Ж. Асфендияров атындағы Қазақ ұлттық медицина университеті
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anthroponym, onomastic, geographical term, Karkara, Konyr.


In the article the name onomastic excellent work on the linguistic level, the ethno-linguistic origins, especially in their use, the use of proper names, places and rivers in the epic at the scientific level. Heritage of every people, formed in the process of development, with each day playing the role of cultural information, which opens the history of that period. Sources of information of the past is of particular importance linguistic information. In such a language data have a special place onomastic units. In this case, the names of onomastics in the linguistic basis of works of art or their ethno-linguistic nature, especially in its use or examining the characteristics of an important national issue. During the discussion of this topic have been conducted scientific - research work at various levels. Not out of the use of such makrotoponimy as Almaty, Semey, Balkhash, Oral, Semipalatinsk, Uskemen, Omsk, Altai, Bakanas that took place in the novel. One difference presenting Auezov place names in the novel - a description of areas, not only for the story works, but I draw attention to the socio-economic content, the national perception of the world.


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How to Cite

Dauletbekova, Z. S. (2015). The different between the origins of proper names in the epic novel «Way of Abay». Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 141(1-2). Retrieved from