The dynamics and structure of multilingual business discourse


  • Т. Semschikova Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
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business дискурс, дискурс-анализ, variant models of дискурса, communicative competense, тематико-информационная basis of dialogue.


The problem of study of полиязычного of business дискурса, understood as the speech entered in a communicative situation and by virtue of it as a category with the more distinctly expressed social maintenance as compared to speech activity of individual, is examined in the article. The real practice of modern discursive analysis is attended with research of conformities to law of motion of information within the framework of the communicative situation carried out foremost through an exchange by remarks; the same is describe some structure of dialogue cooperation really, that continues the fully структуралистскую line of study of language. Thus, however, dynamic character of дискурса is underlined, that done for distinction of concept of дискурса and traditional idea about text as static structure. A term "дискурс" designates form of the use of language, reflecting that, who uses a language, as, why and when. Idea of research of дискурса as an independent object ascends to understanding that a value is not hardening, актуализирующимся under influence of certain circumstances at sending of signal from a sender to the recipient, and arises up, formed and modified during business communication


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How to Cite

Semschikova Т. (2015). The dynamics and structure of multilingual business discourse. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 143(3). Retrieved from