Ways of Exploration of Toposystem of East Kazakhstan Region


  • Biyarov B.N, Kusmanova К.А S. Amanzholov EKSTU, Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk,


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The article makes the comparative historical analysis of the three language layers of the toponymic
space of the East Kazakhstan region (stratigraphy). In particular, the first-the Turkic layer, made of the
languages of the indigenous inhabitants of this region, which has taken place since ancient times. The
second layer consists of Mongolian-language toponyms, starting from the XIII century to 1755, that is,
before the Jungar fall. The third layer consists of toponyms in Slavic languages. In addition, ways and
prerequisites to streamline topoarea of the region were made. The article deals with the scientific and
practical ways of solving these problems. First of all, it is necessary to make a visual inspection of the
object to be replaced, as well as to conduct a special study to determine the properties of the name. To
do this, you can compare the semantic structure of the word and the toponym. The history of the formation of toposystem East Kazakhstan was analyzed from the scientific point of view.


How to Cite

Kusmanova К.А B. B. (2019). Ways of Exploration of Toposystem of East Kazakhstan Region. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 174(2), 118–124. https://doi.org/10.26577/EJPh.2019.v174.i2.ph17