Translation interpretation of ethno-cultural information in M. Magauin’s novel «Alasapran»


  • Telgaraeva L.B, Naciye Yildiz, Esembekov T.O al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakshtan, Almaty,

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The paper studies the rich ethnocultural sources in the «Alasapyran» novel by Muhtar Magauin and
its potential for forming national values. On the basis of concrete examples, the character of ethnocultural information in the novel and peculiarities of its translation into other languages was analyzed. The
artistic role of ethno cultural information that creates expression have been analyzed as well. The actuality of studying ethno cultural information of novel is presented in connection with the modern public and
social needs. The paper is devoted to the reflection on the actuality of national history and national values for spiritual revival of national self-consciousness by preserving national code and national identity.


How to Cite

Esembekov T.O, T. L. N. Y. (2019). Translation interpretation of ethno-cultural information in M. Magauin’s novel «Alasapran». Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 174(2), 266–274.