Literary portrait as part journalistic cycle.


  • B. К. Bazylova Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
        14 13


artistic and journalistic genre, painting, art concept art, biographical narrativе


In this article the literary portrait of Tolstoy as part journalistic cycle. Literary portrait of a writer who created Korolenko, is a product, where the fact of real biography is recreated by the author. Literary portrait of an artistic phenomenon, synthesizing in its content and structure of the elements of documentary and fiction genres. In the article the literary portrait of Tolstoy as part of journalistic cycle. Literary portrait of the writer, created V.Korolenko is a work in which the fact of real biography is recreated by the author. Memoir essay "The Great Pilgrim" V.Korolenko has obvious signs of the literary genre of the portrait. The author sees in Tolstoy the artist above all, about the same time, he says in his journalistic performances. Therefore, the principle of artistic incarnation experiences of Tolstoy determines the specificity of his journalism. Each article has a pretty clear composition is chronologically arranged elements of the plot. Korolenko examines the works of Tolstoy, interpreting them in the light of the background of the artist and the reality of life. Korolenko in their articles image Tolstoy sees through artistic vision, an analysis of his work. This principle is different from the idea of Gorky's sketch-portrait of Tolstoy, where the main link is the "image" and "expression." Korolenko planned to show the organic unity of Tolstoy the artist and Tolstoy the thinker. In the author's view the crisis facing Tolstoy - a natural stage in the development of his personality that are permanently "on the way" to the search for truth. This idea was first formulated in a diary entry Karalenka further developed in the article "Leo Tolstoy". Created in the image of her spiritual pilgrimage and subsequently determine the dominant literary portrait of the title - "The Great Pilgrim."


1 Орлова Ж. Две оценки толстовства // Наука и религия. – М., 1970.
2 Короленко В.Г. Собр. соч.: В 10 т. – М.: ГИХЛ, 1955. – Т. 8.
3 Репин И.Е. Далекое близкое. – 7-е изд. – М., 1964.
4 Толстой С.Л. Об отражении жизни в романе «Анна Каренина» // Литературное наследство. – М., 1939.
5 Толстой Л.Н. Полн. собр. соч.: В 12 т. – М., 1987.




How to Cite

Bazylova B. К. (2015). Literary portrait as part journalistic cycle. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 141(1-2). Retrieved from