The analysis of meteorological metaphors in the кazakh and еnglish languages.


  • Ongarbayeva M.S, Tayeva R.M, Kolesnikova T.P, Zuyeva N.Yu

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The article discusses the cognitive processes of the metaphorical conceptualization of the wind and
the definition of its specificity through the corpus representation in the Kazakh and English languages.
Based on the studied corpus material there were described and analyzed metaphorical uses of the wind.
The investigation of which identified more that 300 metaphoric expressions that has demonstrated universal and unique characteristics of wind metaphorical conceptualization in the studied corpus data base
of Kazakh and English languages. The aim of the scientific work includes an attempt to determine the
processes of metaphorization of meteorological lexis and its specifics related to the thematic group of
words wind/жел, so during the study were involved explanatory, translation, phraseological and terminological dictionaries. The data obtained by this cross-linguistic study suggests the presence of certain
general and individual characeristics in the conceptualization of wind/жел in the figurative meaning
the most essential features of the metaphors have been described and revealed, productive and nonproductive ways of its metaphorical conceptualizations, also equivalent and non-equivalent expressions
occurring in two lanuguages which were resulted due to historical development and linguiscultural
reasons. Thus the wind is an invisible abstract force that affects human life. The language verbalization
of the wind concept is rather heterogeneous, due to the specifics of two national languages and other
explanations, which include extralinguistic factors of the development of these analyzed languages.


How to Cite

Kolesnikova T.P, Zuyeva N.Yu, O. M. T. R. (2019). The analysis of meteorological metaphors in the кazakh and еnglish languages. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 175(3), 129–135.